Representive R. Holding
I had heard a rumor that Randolph Holding served in the Mn. legislature, I tried searching various places without any sucess. I happened to be at a Holdingford Commerical Club meeting when Minnesota State Senator Michelle Fischbach was there speaking to the group. Afterwards. I told her of my search, I had found lists of the heads of senate and house and list of women legislators but not rank and file members. Two days later I recieved the answer. I found out through the help of Senator Michelle Fischbach & Jeanna Whitby from her staff, that Randolph Holding indeed did serve in the Minnesota Legislature as a House member in 1872 (District 31) he was on the 'Ways and Means' committee and the 'Rules and Joint
Rules' committee.
Acording to the 'Holdingford Advertiser' of July 1915 Randolph died at Ransom, N. Dak. at the age of 71.