Saturday, February 23, 2008

Business and Building Boom

It seems that a important aspect of a town's growth is the attitude of the businessmen.

Advertiser January 17th 1917
Holdingford is experiencing a business and building boom,according to the Advertiser. If reports are true, they will make the rest of the neighboring villages look like a 2-cent piece with a hole unpunched into it before long. Go to it, if you are made up of live business men you deserve, and will get, a prominent place on the map of this great state


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Holdingford Herald Feburary 21/1935

1934-march 7 the village council opened a municipal liquor store in Holdingford. During the first seven months they sustained a loss of $87.22. But the last five months has netted the village the sum of $557.11 [clear profit]. It cost the village an avarage of
$3,700 a year to operate.
